First Baptist Church

Baptist Men Organization

Our Baptist Men's group began as a vision from within the church in 2016. A small group of men got together and expressed a desire to spear-head a men's ministry that is based on the charge given in Acts 1:8 (“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth”). To that end, our men's group has concentrated on being a service ministry both at home, in state and around the world. We began our first year with three core ministries. Over the years we have expanded that number to seven core ministries as outlined below.

Foreign Mission

Baptist Men have agreed to sponsor a Foreign Missionary family each year

Handyman Ministry

To serve the needs of our seniors via the development of an on-going handyman ministry to help with everyday repair needs around the house.

Mission Day

To sponsor a "Mission Day" each year for our church which would involve every age group and every area of our church in support of our ministry partners and areas of need in the county.

Wood Ministry

The "woodchucks" provide a fire wood to help those in our county that can no longer gather their own wood or cannot afford to purchase it.

College & Career Student Ministry

As high school graduates leave to either go to college and/or to technical school we want them to know that their home church still loves and cares for them. “Care packages” are sent to each college & career student on a routine throughout their school year, especially around exam time.

Growing Together

We want our ministry to be involved in the community and for all age groups. To that end, each year we sponsor various recreational sports teams financially as well as being there in- person to help encourage each young player.

Senior Men Adoption

It was noted that we have several senior men in our church that are widowers and/or still married but in poor health. After discussion it was a unanimous decision that this would be a very good “core ministry” item that we should add. Individual Baptist Men “adopt” a senior male and develop a relationship that includes calls, visits, meals, etc.

We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month from 6:00 to 7:00 pm in the church fellowship hall. If you have any questions and/or would like more information please contact Terry Monroe at